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Practicing Gratitude This Holiday Season

Guest: Vismaya Rubin

The holiday season is here. Do you find yourself excited, anxious, or vacillating between the two?

family dinner

Let’s make this the most memorable holiday season.

How do we shift from seeing the tasks we HAVE to do, to things we WANT to do? (Cooking, buying gifts, cleaning, exercising)

The easiest way to begin is by doing what my friend Pam Grout suggests. Wake up and declare today to be a great day. Replace the word great with whatever word you prefer. I use magical. As soon as you do this, you will notice the mind committee (voices in your head) may start snickering. Acknowledge them, thank them for sharing, and move on.

Another way to tap into making this the BEST holiday season ever is by starting a GRATITUDE practice. Why? Because it works. When we practice gratitude, we are telling our brain, G-d, the Universe to show us the good stuff. We are letting our higher power know that we expect to see joy, love, and happiness. However, you need to make it happen. You need to take the steps. I promise you if you do this for 30 days, something remarkable will happen regardless of life’s circumstances.

3 Simple steps to start a GRATITUDE Practice (SPR)

1. Set your alarm (or timer) to go off every few hours.

2 .Pause. When your timer goes off, pause for a couple of minutes. Take a few deep breathes.

3. Reflect. Look for your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S.™

Who: Who or what am I grateful for today?

I: What did I do for myself or others today?

New: Did I do something new or learn something new?

Smile: What caused me to smile or laugh till my sides hurt?

This stuff works.

Last week, I was frazzled. Before I embarked on an eleven hour car ride, I needed to pack my car, pay rent, and get munchies for the trip. Needless to say, I was frantically running around and in the midst of the chaos, I kept seeing Moments of GRATITUDE ™. Despite having to go back to the bank three times (oversight on my part), I noticed the man who smiled, and held the door open for me, my favorite song playing on the radio, and that grapes were on sale. These were deposits into my personal bank account and Moments of GRATITUDE ™. I breathed it in. I have trained my brain to pay attention to even the smallest things that make me smile and all acts of kindness. The more we notice these deposits, the happier we are and the more we have to be GRATEFUL for.

So I invite you to join me this holiday season. Start a GRATITUDE practice or amp up the one you have in place. If you need support, feel free to reach out to me, Vismaya Rubin, @info@livingInGratitudeToday

Vismaya Rubin is a Best-Selling author, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, and founder of Living in GRATITUDE Today. She has learned that when we practice gratitude we open the door for more happiness, joy, productivity, and stronger connections with the people around us. She is on a mission to share the benefits of a Gratitude Practice -- how to start one, and most importantly how to maintain it during difficult times. Vismaya teaches about gratitude at both live events and live webinars all over the United States. Visit

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